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Skills Developed

  • I learned how to create a website, and it's actually really fun.

  • I learned how to create a presentation for second graders. The wording was hard because you need to word it in a way they understand, but I did it!

  • I learned how to use arcGIS.

  • I learned how to do an elevator pitch, keeping the information short and concise. I had trouble with this because all I like to do is talk and be as detailed as I can be, so I had a hard time making things short at first.

  •  I learned presentation skills.

  • I learned how to teach second graders.

  • I learned that when you're helping to save the planet, you need to take care of yourself and be organized.

  • I better learned how to collect research.

  • I better learned how to collect data and the different ways to collect data, through surveys, naturalistic observation, experimentation, and case studies.

  • I learned that once you quit and procrastinate it becomes a habit and is hard to break.

  • I learned how to complete a YES Futures project.

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